Take Action

Fight for Justice

According to the Black Lives Matter Site,. The Black Lives Matter movement is a campaign to fight for Justice, Freedom and Liberation. There have been numerous innocent black people killed due to the police brutality. Some of the innocent lives lost were Eric Garner, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd.,

Your action item today is to sign petitions and donate to help the movement Here!

Also please take the time to email your government to help defund the police.

SCRIPT EXAMPLE (atlanta, ga)

To:🔗 cebell@atlantaga.gov, sagabriel@atlantaga.gov Subject: [*** INSERT UNIQUE SUBJECT LINE ***] Message: (Don't forget to replace the [x]'s with your information!)🔗

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am a resident of [NEIGHBORHOOD]. I am asking to redirect money away from the Atlanta PD and into the following social services: [LIST - Community Development, COVID Relief, Education, Parks & Recreation, targeted support for marginalized communities]. I have noticed that in the 2021 budget proposal, from the general fund, the police department is receiving a 5.90% increase from 2020. Meanwhile, many other services are receiving cuts to their budgets. In light of recent events, I believe it is critical that policing be deprioritized relative to spending on social programs that are actually proven to promote safe and equitable communities. I request that an emergency meeting be called before the fiscal year goes into effect in order to deny the mayor's proposed budget and reallocate these funds to resources the citizens can benefit from.

Thank you for your time,



If you live in a different city please click Here!

for an outline catered to where you live

Because I am half black, the movement means a lot to me. I shouldn't have to be scared everytime I want to go on a drive that I might die. I shouldn't have to be scared everytime my brother or cousins leave that they might die. This isn't normal. Be part of the Change.
Again, please donate, sign petitions, and email your local government!

Images from Clay Banks.

My Action Items

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